How To Keep Copper From Tarnishing


By nature, copper is bound to tarnish and change its appearance, forming a blue or green patina. Some people really like the result of a patinaed copper. But if you prefer a shiny copper year-round, how do you keep copper from tarnishing? Wax coating, lemon juice solutions, and lacquer spray are common options.

On small copper items, the former are feasible ways to prevent copper from tarnishing.  The best approach for large copper items, like one of our copper roof cupolas, is to apply a lacquer coating annually to sufficiently protect and preserve the copper sheen.

Read further to learn about various methods of preventing copper from tarnishing.

Why Does Copper Turn Green?

First, you might be wondering why something so shiny can become green and somewhat “powdered.” The surface of copper easily develops tarnish when it oxidizes. Scientifically speaking, Cu2O and CuO are formed. Electrons from the metal move to oxygen molecules when the metal is exposed to air. That ionic chemical reaction is oxidation which, eventually, will appear green.

This oxide layer will discourage further corrosion, so it is not a threat to the structure of the copper item.

In fact, our copper weathervanes in blue Verde finish are popular choices to pair with our copper roof cupolas.

How to Protect Copper Jewelry, Small Items

Some manufacturers will add coating liquids to the final rinse tank following copper or brass plating. This helps slow the formation of green salt and helps remove carbonates from the metal. This would occur prior to reaching the end consumer.

If you own copper jewelry or other small copper items, you can add to the lifespan of this protective coating by keeping small copper items in a cool, dry place. If you see spots of tarnish forming on copper jewelry or other small copper items, use a polishing cloth or a 3M scour pad to gently remove them. However, always check with the manufacturer or jewelry designer beforehand.

You may also find it effective to place your small copper items in a bowl of lemon juice. Sprinkle salt on the item and gently scrub it while submerged in the lemon juice. Use a toothbrush to gently scrub, if needed. Rinse thoroughly afterward. Dry your copper items with a lint-free cloth.

Keep Your Copper Cupola Clean

When it comes to larger items, a protective lacquer spray is your best method for preventing copper from tarnishing. Whether you prefer a copper cupola that stays shiny or one that develops a patina, you’ll want to safely keep it clean.

This article discusses how to safely clean a copper cupola. Wear gloves when handling your clean copper item as you spray it with lacquer and always let it thoroughly dry before installation.

Copper Roof Cupolas Add Beauty

A copper roof cupola, tarnished or untarnished, is a beautiful architectural element on any structure. When paired with a copper weathervane, it becomes a statement piece reflecting the personality of the property owner. Whether the copper remains shiny, or Mother Nature is allowed to “paint” it, copper is an excellent choice in cupola material, and is one of our most popular Amish crafted cupola features.